By natattack - 11/09/2013 21:35 - United States - Temple

Today, I officially became a divorced marriage counselor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 606
You deserved it 7 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you can give your clients counselling on what not to do from first hand experience! Start charging more!!!

Wizardo 33

Well learn from your own shortcomings and help yourself and others, I'm sorry about it but hopefully it gets better for ya OP.


Goblin182 26

Isn't divorce marriage a contradiction in terms?

Well that might be a little odd...but you could maybe now give points of what makes it end...

Goumbush 4

Time to pick a new profession. Raise people like yourself who can't even keep their own marriage made my parents get divorced

I guess you might want to take back all the advice you gave your clients. Probably won't end well for them, either.

"Marriage counseling" doesn't mean you have to save every marriage, at all costs. Sometimes the best strategy is to fold and get up from the table. FYL, and I hope your next partner is better for you.

Was it because you had...Temptation? Are these your Confessions of a Marriage Counselor? No? Okay, moving on...

Are you sure you should be a marriage counselor now?