By natattack - 11/09/2013 21:35 - United States - Temple

Today, I officially became a divorced marriage counselor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 606
You deserved it 7 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you can give your clients counselling on what not to do from first hand experience! Start charging more!!!

Wizardo 33

Well learn from your own shortcomings and help yourself and others, I'm sorry about it but hopefully it gets better for ya OP.


middlenamefrank 8

Wouldn't you want a marriage counselor that's been through it all him/herself? Kind of like cops -- the very best cops are the ones that used to be criminals. They know all the tricks.

denene2007 1

Might be a lil bad for business :/

That's ironic. It's like being a speech therapist with a lisp.

OP, I think that makes you better qualified. Now you're better equipped to at least attempt to help couples work out differences before it gets to that big divorce option because you have personal experience! Even so... not all differences can be worked out. Sometimes two people shouldn't be together. Accepting the inevitable and not worrying about it is the first step towards happiness :)

You will still be good at your job. Just focus on "Don'ts" in a relationship.

Some relationships are not fixable no matter what you do

Dusty_Busters 15

For some reason I didn't read this right like four times in a row. Sorry op!