By Anonymous - 03/12/2013 00:56 - Mexico - Distrito Federal

Today, I opened my heart to my father-in-law, telling him how he was a very good example for us and how his name would be great for our first born son, he interrupted, saying, "Cut the cheesy crap, now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 772
You deserved it 6 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, he really appreciates it, but maybe he's too shy to actually share his actual emotions? Good thought, though. :)


J_Kertz 14

If so I think OP should reconsider naming his kid after the guy...

That's his way of saying he's touched. He's hard on the outside, soft on the inside

tehdarkness 21

Don't suck up. Just be yourself.

OP wasn't necessarily sucking up. She may have just wanted to express herself. Sometimes, it's good to be honest, even about the good things. And it's good to let people know they are appreciated.

Well, in some cultures, it's considered bad luck to name your child after someone that's still alive. My father, brother-in-law plus close friend all share the same name. It's confusing knowing who's who when their names are brought up.

I'm sure that's the other way around- that it's bad luck to name a child after the dead. Maybe depends on the culture though.

True. Some people are uncomfortable with compliments and just try to avoid the awkwardness of it by being sarcastic or something. Now maybe that was a little mean or inconsiderate on his part, but it depends on how he said it. I don't think someone as great as OP described would act like such an asshole.

StompinOnCrayons 15

Honesty is the best policy --- suck ups get no where

RedPillSucks 31

She was being honest about how she felt. That's not sucking up. Father-in-law needs to learn to be gracious.