By Anonymous - 03/12/2013 00:56 - Mexico - Distrito Federal

Today, I opened my heart to my father-in-law, telling him how he was a very good example for us and how his name would be great for our first born son, he interrupted, saying, "Cut the cheesy crap, now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 767
You deserved it 6 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, he really appreciates it, but maybe he's too shy to actually share his actual emotions? Good thought, though. :)


Epikouros 31

Seems like he'll appreciate a short, manly name. How about Kezo?

ZY1431 24

he's probably honored and is just being a bum hah.

I can tell you that some people just don't handle being praised well. I would say the same type of thing as he did. He is honored, I'm sure.

Props for opening up...and go for's not very often to find a good in law...