By gibbette - 28/04/2013 17:32 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, I overheard my boyfriend telling his buddies that the main reason he got into video game modding was so he could put a virtual version of me in his games and "shoot the fuck out of that bitch". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 590
You deserved it 7 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously a sweet, normal guy with no anger issues.

....And that would be the end of the relationship for me. Tell that asshole to take a ******* walk, everyone deserves more respect than that. :p


challan 19

I think that's where halo humping originated.

01Ben21 10
daringtoride 27

What the hell do you mean 'boyfriend'? That should be ex! I'm all for talking out relationship issues, but this is a bit much even for me.

chrissy2 28

Have you thought about maybe trading him in for a new one?

Sorry, No refunds for faulty equipment.

Warrantee voided from being an asshole. Terms and conditions section 101) Don't be an asshole

xcam1995 6

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i'd leave him.... you know, before he tries to do that in real life.......................

Run before that gets out of the virtual world, OP.

I kind of know what hes talking about. When I get upset at my bf, I hop onto some fps games and picture all the enemies as him and fk him up (; Its a stress reliever, really.

I somewhat agree. I don't imagine there him but FPS really relieves stress ! .... The picturing it's her and killing her part throws me off a bit hah.

I somewhat agree as well because seriously, who hasn't killed someone they know on The Sims?

Finally someone who understands. Thank you #23. You really can't understand video games unless you're immersed in them.

He was probably trying to show off to his buddies. Which sucks, but that's how most males are.

26- Correction, that's how most weak-minded, insecure douche bags are. I respect my wife and expect my guy friends to respect her too. If they can't like me unless I need to disrespect her behind her back to try to impress them, then that only shows I'm hanging out with the wrong crowd. :p No person I choose to associate myself with disrespects his/her significant other like that. I expect more from my friends than that, and I certainly hope they expect more from me as well. :p