By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 08:01 - United States

Today, I overheard my husband telling my step-dad that I have the same ability to sniff out chocolate in a house as a certain animal has to find truffles in the woods. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 308
You deserved it 6 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have a super power. don't let it go to your thighs..uh I mean head

catkat1988 17

lol, aw, that sounds exactly like something my boyfriend would've said about me. Don't worry, though, he probably meant it in a loving way.


It not insulting unless you're fat. But you're probably fat.

RockMaterial 9

I think he was referring to pigs, but dogs are very capable of doing it as well. There's a certain breed that has an attuned sense to truffles and now pigs are rarely used. So, you could have been referred to as a dog (which in my opinion is much cuter and better than a pig). ;)

well then don't eat all the damn chocolate, fatass

This was on the duck dynasty christmas episode

Do you? If so that is a great power and one many wish to possess