By yeyt209 - 10/06/2012 07:46 - United States - Bismarck

Today, I passed out in my car in a McDonald's parking lot. I got woken up by a cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 588
You deserved it 10 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's what you get for either: A: Being drunk or B: Eating that crap. Could have been worse, you could have been woken up by a clown.


I can't imagine OP was drunk, else the cop would've arrested him for DUI. The days of cops telling you "drive home real carefully, then sleep it off, and I don't want to see you back on the road today" were over 30 years ago. Probably just succumbed to overwork and lack of sleep.

sup_life 0

Best time to rape her and she won't even remember hahahaha..

Don't ask, he's posted the same stupid thing in multiple FMLs.

36: What the HELL is this comment. FML, please ban this person already. Anonymously making rape "jokes" says to me that they wouldn't think twice about doing it for real if the opportunity presented itself. Please, please, make this site safe for the rest of us.

If he found u at Dunkin doughnuts with a doughnut on u he would take it

Op are you so obese you got tired from walking from the parking lot to inside and back ? Because McDonalds will do that to you

Dispatch, I have a 42-186 in progress. Big Mac Attack overdose. Better send backup and fire rescue.

Happened to me at buffalo wild wings. Hope you didn't get in too much trouble :/

Had you said in the drive-thu I would have said YDI I work at one and get really annoyed at people not only drinking and driving but going to get something to eat in the meantime, with their families in the car. At least you had the decent sense to pull over XD

takeitandrun 13

As long as you weren't drunk t's no big deal, he was just checking on you and at worst he probably told you to move along. Once while driving home from vacation in New Mexico I realized I was too tired to make it home safely so I pulled well off the road and fell asleep. I got woken up by an officer from the state police and he just made sure I was okay/not drunk and told me I was fine to sleep there until I was rested enough to continue driving. The police would much rather you sleep in a safe area then have to clean up a crash caused by someone falling asleep at the wheel.

Well okay then.. I'm not gonna judge cuz I have no idea what happened.