By yeyt209 - 10/06/2012 07:46 - United States - Bismarck

Today, I passed out in my car in a McDonald's parking lot. I got woken up by a cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 592
You deserved it 10 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's what you get for either: A: Being drunk or B: Eating that crap. Could have been worse, you could have been woken up by a clown.


Must have been a donut shop in the same center, curious....why is that an FML?

I didn't know dogs could blush. Learn something new everyday!

at least you weren't driving when you passed out...

Thats alright just get a happy meal afterward.

noisebox 1

Did he try to steal your big Mac or give you a big wack?

ItsTaylorGang 0

Maybe if you were drunk or blitzed out of your mind it would've been bad. But this, who cares?

ma1_eatley 2

The McDonalds people probably called it in as a suspicious person or somebody thought he might be ill and requested a welfare check. He wouldn't get a DUI. Car was in a parking lot not a public roadway. I'm betting he was drunk. PI at worst. I've been the cop knocking on the window on numerous occasions.