By Anonymous - 23/09/2010 16:19 - United States
Same thing different taste
Better out than in
By Anonymous - 25/03/2024 20:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/04/2013 10:29 - France - Paris
Gas giant
By DrGas - 04/09/2009 04:30 - United States
By burnbabyburn - 11/11/2015 17:47 - United Kingdom
By r1has - 12/09/2016 08:21 - Pakistan - Rawalpindi
By firefighter - 08/09/2009 22:10 - United States
By oopsididitagain - 30/11/2010 18:49 - United States
By anonymous - 05/05/2015 05:41 - United States - San Francisco
By Hth - 28/10/2008 00:13 - United States
By afraidtoburn - 26/02/2012 04:18 - Canada
Top comments
Ooh that sucks... Just hope no one knew it was you.
Best FML ever. Although I didn't laugh. That's odd...
14/Andy: Which part were you "just kidding" about? Because I can personally attest to the SBD potential of the SNV chips. :} But mmm, the Utz ones are so yummy...
There was a gas leak. Just not from the Bunsen burners.
42: lolwut
Don't worry, Mr answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, You'll learn how to troll AND spell once you enter the second grade
this should be on mlia
trikk as bitch! fart in my mouth while i eat u out ;)
I'm calling shenanigans on the grounds that girls don't fart.
that pic is disturbing
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh shiiit!!!! 42 just got lolwut'd!!!!1!!
#75 are you purposefully resembling Chris Tucker or is this just a coincidence? Too bad Op's SBDs weren't bad enough to leave them saying, "You just got knocked the **** out!"
how come every profile I've looked at says that the person has tried submitting an fml, but it's never been approved?
Well check: TheIrishJaneDoe she had one published.
cause they try, but fail
are you a girl?
Maybe they were taking a test and the professer was strict and didn't want someone to go in there and "cheat".
erm, some people’s gas rarely smells and there’s no warning for when it does...
I laughed so hard, I farted.
then don't fart in class, that's nasty :')
yeah. do it in the hallway in the middle of a crowd of people
Credit for one hell of a fart though.
YDI for not being a man and claiming your flatulence. Er, wait, OP is a woman. FAKE! Girls don't fart!
29 - We do not. We poot!
"A queef is a vaginal explosion of gas, mmkay?"
lol. queefs! im surprised the room didn't explode. fire plus methaine gas ( farts ) plus propane bad combo
If your farts produce enough methane to explode i think you should see a doctor
It's ok op everybody farts. I did once.
On the bright side, no one knew it was you...Score!
dammmn u comment a lot and u hav freakin 79 postsss
#61 And? :P
Lol @ 61's pic
lmfao! i know it looks so real,
that ever worked for you?
BRIGHT SIDE, you got out of class early! Fart in every class! Then you can just go home :)

You should try going to the bathroom instead of ripping one in class...
It's ok op everybody farts. I did once.