By Anonymous - 01/02/2012 15:01 - United States

Today, I picked up a prostitute. The prostitute was my sister, and I picked her up from jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 600
You deserved it 4 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try explaining that story over thanksgiving dinner

ninjuh_wingman 29


When I read the first two parts I was like, "Yuck!!" and almost didn't read the third part lol ...

th3lawmak3r76 4

did you pick her up for a conjugal visit?

At 1st im like yOURE SLEEPING WITH YOUR SISTER then im like oh from jail

Why? Her life is ******, it's also pretty humorous to those outside the family and it's not like FML tells the world who posted it..were you the sister?

It was nice of you to pick her up from jail anyway.

Elfkid21 19

holy hell!... this is kinda creepy, your sister might be my stepsister.. Freaky.