By elliekilroy - 11/12/2010 00:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I picked up my friend's new kitten so enthusiastically I scared it and it shat all over me. I literally scared the shit out of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 166
You deserved it 29 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airball33 0
xX504DBXx 0

impressive aha. next time I'd like to see you scare the shit out of an elephant and see how enthusiastic you are about that.


my cat shat on my dogs head beford snd my dog then ate it

sourgirl101 28

^Is that your cat? Because if it is, that's one fat pussy!

You should have said, "Because if it is, you have a fat pussy!" lololol

twinny_sc 13

That's exactly why all cats should die.

seracy13 0

I scared the shut out of daughter one time poor baby was crying so bad when I fell I could help but laugh lol

Shit*, my*, comma*, the*, cross out "when", once*, felt*, couldn't*, PERIOD*. You're a terrible parent.

haha "cats rule, dogs drool" and although they do drool I still love 'em :) I love my dog, my cat and my puppy

ruby84 1

kitten are cute, independent & have personality & attitude. most dogs are like a child with ADD on a sugar rush; constantly chasing you to get attention, barking when people pass by the house and are unpredictable.

You better refrain from picking up small children also.