By elliekilroy - 11/12/2010 00:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I picked up my friend's new kitten so enthusiastically I scared it and it shat all over me. I literally scared the shit out of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 166
You deserved it 29 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airball33 0
xX504DBXx 0

impressive aha. next time I'd like to see you scare the shit out of an elephant and see how enthusiastic you are about that.


Cats are unpredictable like no other. You could be petting one and then next thing you know it's attached to your arm. I prefer an animal that is not bipolar, such as a dog.

Have you looked into a career as a Small Animal Traumatizer? It sounds like it would be your cup of tea but I hear it pays like shit.

YourEvilHero 12

my cat is loyal he follows me out to the kitchen into the bathroom and wherever I go. he only sleeps when I sleep or aren't home,, and he'll play if I play with him

Ahh. I see from your picture you must also love your pussy wet.

Damn Lennie, ease up on the grip next time.

i have one thing to say... hahahahaha i could totally see that happen!!