By socialix - 19/04/2015 01:03 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, I poured my heart out to my girlfriend with a serenade. After I finished, she told me she'd come over to tell me she'd found someone else and wanted to break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 716
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That may be music to yours in times to come If they cant see the value in staying with you then you are better off without them

tamannab97 23

Aww! I'm sorry op. If she wanted to break up with you, she should have done it before you sang. At least you know how she feels now, and you won't be stuck in a bad relationship! :(


why the hell didn't she stop you from singing?

mattmsk005 8

Was this one of those "no your first moments".

What im wondering is if she tried to tell him first but he wouldnt listen and kept going. happened with an ex he kept going on and on and I had been trying to tell him we were over when I finnaly got through to him he had proposed and I felt bad but for more than an hour I was trying to get him to shut up

That's exactly what I thought too. I can't see the girlfriend coming over and saying anything else before those worlds. When you go to break up with someone you don't want to sit around and talk about anything else, you want to get it done with asap. That's why I wonder if he interrupted her. Either way though, she should have stopped his song as soon as it started or as soon as she knew where it was going.

xluciferx666 21

*strums guitar* I love you bitch *strums guitar again* I ain't ever gonna stop loving you BITCH!!!!!!

therealjc_fml 14

I told you not to sing something by R. Kelly!

When she breaks ur heart like a big stinky fart that's amore

Don't worry bout her bro, she would just drag you down. Now you can find your old high school student and make a meth empire without having someone nagging on you.

^ This is why we don't do drugs kids.

SystemofaBlink41 27

I was confused until I saw OP was from New Mexico. I observed what you did in this particular instance.

I guess some girls just don't like serenades. Way to crumble your confidence though!

Quite a few people talking as if the girl did something really wrong. OP did a lovely thing but she didn't want to be with him anymore... what was she supposed to do? Stay in the relationship and pretend that she still wants to be with him?

Aw I'm sorry OP. At least now you can find someone who truly loves you and will sing with your serenade.