By socialix - 19/04/2015 01:03 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, I poured my heart out to my girlfriend with a serenade. After I finished, she told me she'd come over to tell me she'd found someone else and wanted to break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 716
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That may be music to yours in times to come If they cant see the value in staying with you then you are better off without them

tamannab97 23

Aww! I'm sorry op. If she wanted to break up with you, she should have done it before you sang. At least you know how she feels now, and you won't be stuck in a bad relationship! :(


AtherSheep 15

Wish my boyfriend would do something like this. Instead he refuses to listen to me because he knows I'm always right, and pisses me off because he does/says stupid things.

No offence, but I think you guys should sit down and have a conversation and possibly break up. And you can't "always be right," everyone makes mistakes and stuff. Plus, if he doesn't listen to you when you talk why do you want to be with him?

**** her! You dodged a bullet in the long term!!!

I'm sorry OP. NM girls are cruel- must be something in the air

I too know the feeling of pouring your heart out to a girl and finding out she doesn't like you. Hang in there, it gets better

Why'd she have to do it while you were serenading her though? That was just rude, even if it is kind of awkward when you're being sung to by someone you don't love anymore.

Well it wouldn't be good for her to wait. Is she supposed to wait another day just because he sang her a song? I think it's best to break up with someone as soon as you've made up your mind to do it. I don't like the feeling of knowing someone still likes me and doesn't know I don't feel the same, it makes me feel like I'm leading them on. I think she should have stopped the song before he started or as soon as she knew what he was doing. Don't let him pour his heart out only to crush it. Try and stop the outpouring as soon as possible.

You'll be okay buddy, you'll find someone who truly appreciates you for who you are. Life is filled with the unexpected, but try to make the best of it ;)