By marmarr - 15/05/2011 05:20 - United States

Today, I pretended to not be able to go out with a friend so I could hang with my boyfriend at the movies. When I sat down I received a text that said, "Turn around." It was her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 503
You deserved it 70 838

Same thing different taste


salsalover_12 5

......busted Why couldn't you just be honest and say "i'm sorry hon i have already scheduled to hang out with my boyfriend for the weekend but would it be possible if we scheduled some other time to hang out?"

adaliapeace 3

YDI for being a lying bitch.

Let's see who you go running to when you break up with your fancy man. She will remember this for a long time.

haha I did a similar thing the other day but instead my friend pulled up beside me at traffic lights

shortie916 0
JesterMarcus 0

You're a moron for lying about something so stupid.

isten I am gonna take a rain check on tonight cuz I wanna hang out with my boyfriend. no problem.

Bitch have the decency to tell your the truth!! I had a friend who did this all the time!! Sometimes she'd forget to cancel & me & our other friend would be stuck at her house pretending we didn't hear her & her boyfriend screwing in the next room!!

Just say that's why I couldn't hang out