By notready - 15/10/2013 06:49 - Australia

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend at a dinner with our two families. Not only did she flatly reject me, my dad said, "Good call. He's not ready." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 966
You deserved it 6 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha ha...she knows you to well. Seems that your dad knows you even better!!! There has to be a reason for her to reject you, and for your dad to state you not ready!


And that's why you don't propose in front of people. Nothing worse than being put on the spot

Dude, never get married. It sucks balls

If they both felt the need to shoot you down, maybe you should take a serious look at the reasons behind it. Maybe they are really just mean people, but I think it is more likely that you actually aren't ready for marriage. The right person will come by eventually, but rushing these things is the worst mistake you can make.

#93 He obviously isn't read if he didn't consider his partner's wishes nor considered talking about marriage first. He simply proposed because HE wanted to. People like that deserve to be rejected.

Haha damn my dad would've said the same thing at cold hearted bastard lol

I'm sorry to hear that. FYL. But your father is quite funny I must say.

it really depends on how long youve been together

I have a really radical idea... How about you talk with your partner about marriage before you propose? You know, the marriage involves them too and just because you want to marry it doesn't mean your partner does. By TALKING about marriage you can magically find out whether or not your partner wants to marry aswell!

Time for public proposals to be ditched already. Don't put a girl on the spot if you can't handle a negative answer!

wrenavery90 12

First of all I'd never propose to anyone unless I was sure the answer was going to be yes. And I'm wondering if you were trying to pressure her to say yes by doing it in front of your families.