By notready - 15/10/2013 06:49 - Australia

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend at a dinner with our two families. Not only did she flatly reject me, my dad said, "Good call. He's not ready." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 966
You deserved it 6 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha ha...she knows you to well. Seems that your dad knows you even better!!! There has to be a reason for her to reject you, and for your dad to state you not ready!


It sucks that it happened in front of people, but I hope her rejection doesn't mean the end of the relationship! My now-husband proposed to me after a year of dating, while we were still in college. Luckily he did it privately, and I was able to explain that even though I loved him and I could see a future for us, I didn't feel we were ready to make that commitment. A year after we graduated, he asked again and I said yes! If you love her and she didn't say she wants to end it, don't give up! Good luck :)

Why on earth would you propose in front of BOTH your families if you two obviously hadn't talked about getting married before? It sounds like you were hoping you could pressure her into saying yes.

You deserve it for proposing in front of not one but both of your families! Talk about pressure. Awkward...

As Bon Scott would say... Shot down in Flames !

what kind of idiot proposes to their girlfriend/boyfriend in front of other people ??

that s why people tend to propose during a table for two diner if she says no that s less akward

Two things very wrong with this, firstly that is a very odd setting, highly pressured and not romantic at all. Second and probably the bigger, it would appear neither of you have spoken about the subject or else you would have an idea of the outcome.

rebellionwars 11

I'm considering rest of dinner was.....not fortunate?

shouldnt of been all cheesy with the familys and put her on the spot like that but sounds inevitable

I'm so sorry :( It's her loss though, you're probably really amazing & she made the wrong choice! :)