By notready - 15/10/2013 06:49 - Australia

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend at a dinner with our two families. Not only did she flatly reject me, my dad said, "Good call. He's not ready." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 966
You deserved it 6 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha ha...she knows you to well. Seems that your dad knows you even better!!! There has to be a reason for her to reject you, and for your dad to state you not ready!


lol looks like your dad enjoyed this alot ..

I would prefer my boyfriend proposing to me when we're ALONE, if he does - I would like it to be a private moment. I can only imagine it being OK to do in front of other people if the couple have actually somehow TALKED about it... Is that strange...?

*I mean "talked about it" as in talked about stuff at least wanting to live together, have a future together, have kids... in general, stuff that shows that you are committed to the other person. I don't mean that people should actually have to talk about planning getting engaged, although there's nothing wrong with that - then you would definitely know for sure.

Well wouldn't you want a little spontaneity? Example: he wakes you up in the middle of the night to tell you "you're going on a trip." You pack your stuff & go into a limo parked out front. You enter an airport & you're going to Niagara Falls. You get to the destination & enjoy the day. Later you go to dinner at the falls & the light show on the water begins. You turn to him & he starts proposing infront of everyone, but wouldn't you say yes? He just wanted to be surrounded by people he loved and it blew up in his face. I think he tried to make it special & it's the thought that counts :)

He's hinting at you needing to drink some more Fosters. Good call.

I'm sorry but was that suppose to be a joke at Aussies' expense? Because it was kind of fail. We don't drink Fosters here.

She may not be ready for marriage. That doesn't mean "OP's gain" or "her loss" Rejection of marriage does not always equal break up.

True, but if she doesn't like him that much it can make it super awkward.

Good god I'd be embarrassed. I probably wouldn't ever propose again. She's have to do it.

Well I can understand that if the reasons of the rejection were founded but jeez, way for your dad to put salt in the wound. I'm sorry OP, that must have been embarrassing.

YDI for proposing in front of everyone. Always do it privately. It won't feel to your partner like you're pressuring them.

It's like lawyers always say: Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to.

Had you two ever discussed getting married before?