By notready - 15/10/2013 06:49 - Australia

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend at a dinner with our two families. Not only did she flatly reject me, my dad said, "Good call. He's not ready." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 966
You deserved it 6 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha ha...she knows you to well. Seems that your dad knows you even better!!! There has to be a reason for her to reject you, and for your dad to state you not ready!


Goblin182 26

Never ever propose to a woman in public unless you are 100% sure she will say yes.

A family dinner doesn't sound like a nice place to be proposed in :

Your dad sounds like a huge asswipe, sorry for that.

have you and her touched base on marriage?

bubblemint00 6

maybe your dad just wanted to help you out. he knew that was humiliating to you so he backed you up with something that meant you won't do that to her ever again

MissSticks 21

Maybe you should have asked her while you were alone, not with both sets of parents. It just adds extra pressure when other people are around.

Axel5238 29

Just because he proposed doesn't mean he was ready. Given the gf and his father said no I'm guessing he really wasn't. Plus there is no telling the OP's situation, but given the dad didn't really deny anything after the gf denied him I'm gonna have to say chances are the dad knew OP wasn't ready.