By fuckface? I wish - 30/11/2013 20:29 - Australia - Diamond Beach

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She asked if the ring was a temporary thing until I got a better one, saw my dumbfounded face, then played it off as a joke and said yes. I later found out she'd posted on Facebook bitching about the ring, but with the privacy setting set to hide it from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 013
You deserved it 5 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Well she sounds like an ungrateful bitch.


Dump her. If she's that ungrateful now, how will she be later when You're married?

perdix 29

You have to violate her privacy like a deranged stalker to see what she says about the ring? Sounds like you two are going to have a long and fulfilling relationship together. There's a bullet heading towards you. Dodge it "Matrix"-style, dodge it!!!

They could have mutual friends and his family on her Facebook. I would call op right away if I was related to him and let him know. Facebook isn't high security.

Whatever. Anybody who knows how to navigate Facebook's privacy settings is a keeper.

Wow she sounds ungrateful might have to take that ring back.

Axel5238 29

Sorry to hear that OP. Though materialism generally doesn't wait that long before the red flags show up. There had to have been some signs along the way .

Women forget it's a gift. Take it or leave it.

*Some* women. I was thrilled with the ring I was given, and what it symbolized, as were most of the women I know.

ZY1431 24

not for nothing but I'd not only take the ring back but also look for someone new. that's some shit right there.

kiakia0131 23

I agree. Take the ring back. Dump her. You deserve someone better than that ungrateful ****. She will always be ungrateful.