By overachiever - 18/07/2009 21:35 - United States

Today, I proudly informed my boyfriend that I am now a size 4, down from an 18, after months of dieting and exercising after he told me he would like me to be a size 6. He broke up with me for "not listening to what he wanted" and "being an overachiever". FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 026
You deserved it 8 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a d bag. He should be grateful. Good job.

kmapes 0

Congrats on losing all that weight! You definitely deserve better than that treatment though.


GOOD RIDDANCE! You don't need a douchebag like that.

I agree with what most everyone on here is saying, but wanted to say it as well. You deserve more than someone who will treat you in those ways. Be proud of what you accomplished and go out and do the things that make you happy without that guy hanging around to bring you down.

Probably was planning on breaking up with you from the start. But look on the bright side, you're now a size 4!

tweetie0918 0

what did you do to lose weight???

Your life is NOT ******; it is in fact better now. Your ex-boyfriend was a douche for telling you he would like you to be a size 6 as if he was the shit and what he says goes. The fact that he had it down to a specific number size says a lot. Now you can enjoy being single or find someone else better! =)

mj2123 0

If you wanted to lose the weight for yourself and were able to do so without starving yourself, good for you. Regardless, losing weight for another person is never a good idea and you're clearly better off without this asshole. Others don't get to decide what a healthy weight or size for you is, and anyone you're dating should love you and be attracted to you for who you are. There also happen to be a lot of men who do find larger women attractive.

FleshForFantasy 3

I understand his reaction was unexpected but good riddance. You should be proud of yourself for what you accomplished. What matters is that you're feeling good and healthy. In time, you'll find someone who really cares about you.

WTF? he's probbably just scared that his gf is now too hot for him. good riddance I say!

ooh good job! now that he left you and you lost all that weight, you can find a much hotter better man

dancercuity922 0

Congratulations on losing all that weight!! That takes so much commitment. Your ex is a complete douche, you're better off without him.