By PulledOver - 01/06/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I pulled up to the stoplight near my house. It was dark with no traffic and the car behind me kept edging closer and closer to me. I finally got fed up with waiting and the car and ran it. In fact, it was a cop and he was trying to read my license plate because the back light was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 973
You deserved it 54 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didnt the cop have his lights on..?

you need to think things through. "oh my God hes gonna kill me by slowly edging closer to me!"


SomeGuy1234 0

And this is why I don't like cops, they should respect the common rules of the road like other people unless they have their lights on.

ohhhhshizzz 0

I love all the idiots on here saying that you should be able to notice what a cop car looks like. Are y'all that dense? Cop cars are not all ways the ones with the lights. They have unmarked cars also, for various reasons but they have them. How do we know the cop wasn't in one, which to me would make this story a lot more plausible. I highly doubt the OP is that stupid. It's dark, come one people! And looky all the hypocrites came out, they all want to condem the OP for doing something I'm pretty sure all of y'all would do. If y'all are saints when driving that is pretty much the only way you aren't hypocritical at this moment. OP: Eh, that sucks. I think you can try to get out of that though. FYL, for sure.

Don't cops pull you over first and then read the license plate?

Wouldn't the cop pull him over for a broken back light, as opposed to just trying to read his license plate?

#41, its illegal to drive without insurance. You can sue them.

why didnt the cop just flash its lights.

That cop is a ******* asshole, because the way I read it, he was just trying to give you a ticket without you even knowing about it. That's why the broken tail light ticket is so stupid. You can't control when a brake light goes out, so shouldn't they just warn you instead of taking more money from you than it would cost just to fix the ******* thing? I really don't get the law sometimes.

#43... you're saying that all of us would run a red light because someone was inching closer to us at a red light? you've got to be ******* stupid to think that. so ******* what if they were inching, as if it really puts you in danger. if they'd gotten out of their car, THEN you would have legitimate reason to go, otherwise you're just being a dipshit. i'm not exactly sure though why a cop would want to get the license plate of a car ahead of them for a broken tail light when A: how ******* hard is it to read a license plate? and B: why would they even want to do it then? what if the light turned green in the middle of writing it down? completely stupid if that was actually the case. i will give you the benefit of the doubt though because regardless if it was a regular cop car, at night i can see it plausible to not be able to see the outline or lights on top if there wasn't really any lighting on the street let alone if their headlights were visible thus cutting your ability to see them. for the general concept of it, i say YDI (which is how i voted), but it could've been handled better by the cop. i hope you can get out of it :) and #50, i totally agree with you on that one too, i have heard though of cops giving warnings about headlights or tail lights, but if he WAS giving OP a ticket, i think they need to be pulled over for it...