By PulledOver - 01/06/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I pulled up to the stoplight near my house. It was dark with no traffic and the car behind me kept edging closer and closer to me. I finally got fed up with waiting and the car and ran it. In fact, it was a cop and he was trying to read my license plate because the back light was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 973
You deserved it 54 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didnt the cop have his lights on..?

you need to think things through. "oh my God hes gonna kill me by slowly edging closer to me!"


cops suck, I hate when people do shit that.

If you are going along the highway and someone is tailgating you then put on the fog lights and he thinks you are braking, causing him to swerve, its fun to watch him swerve out the way

You are a damnable liar. It was dark, but his headlights could not illuminate your license plate from 50 feet away? I don't know what is more pathetic... your half-ass desire to see your entry posted here, or the Moderators who could only be American educated. And you are so correct.. FY pathetic Life. -Austin Texas.

#28, the cop wasn't being threatening or harassing. How many people do you see inch at lights just to save a nanosecond of time when the light changes? Second of all, cops read plates all the ******* time. It's how they check for warrants or see if it's stolen, or any number of things. OP is a ******* moron. Crown Vic or Caprice headlights. Not that hard to tell. Lightbar on top might do it too, or the wrecker bar, or just not being a pussy at a redlight. I'd only go if someone got out of their car and came to my door, without having pulled me over, or honked, or anything to alert my attention prior.

if you wait long enough at a red light it's legal to run it under a few circumstances

#9, you are the moron, he meant his headlights dumbass

58 Only if it's stuck. And you can still get a ticket for it. Yes I know someone who waited a long time, finally gave up... and she got a ticket. She had to take it to court. Come to think of it, I believe you can also get a ticket if the light that illuminates your plates is broken too.

Why didn't you just tell him you thought he was acting suspicious and you were nervous? He might have let you off, especially if you're a female.

ZH13 0

this is obviously fake. a cop, someone who enforces the rules of the road, wouldn't be driving around with out his headlights on if it was so dark. if his headlights had been on, they would have reflected off of the OP's car and shone back onto the cop's car, which would be painted in the distinct black and white of a cop car.