By PulledOver - 01/06/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I pulled up to the stoplight near my house. It was dark with no traffic and the car behind me kept edging closer and closer to me. I finally got fed up with waiting and the car and ran it. In fact, it was a cop and he was trying to read my license plate because the back light was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 973
You deserved it 54 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didnt the cop have his lights on..?

you need to think things through. "oh my God hes gonna kill me by slowly edging closer to me!"


Wow. Didn't you see the big police lights on the car?

Torialovesya 0

On police cars the lights don't always have to be on

#17 - I do the same thing. I hate it when someone tries to intimidate me into speeding by practically crawling up my ass. I purposefully slow down, sometimes by quite a bit. ;P I do get annoyed being stuck behind slow drivers, but only if they're going significantly under the speed limit. I figure if they're doing the limit then I can't complain.

HAHA YDI. How did you miss the mass of lights on the roof and even if it was an unmarked it would have at least 2 but most have 3 antennas that are really had to miss. #22 if someone does that it’s called tail gating all you have to do is slam on your breaks and let him hit you. He is at fault and all you need to do is say you saw something bolt on the road... cat... dog anything works and he has to pay for all damages. Works really well if you have a cr@p car and want a new one. LOL

xoxo_carween 0

harhar. :D epic fail, dude. EPIC(:

TryToBeKind 0

Sorry, but YDI. Rules are there for a reason: follow them. Just because someone is annoying/makes you nervous, does not mean that you can break rules, that's just dumb.

vt_mruhlin 0

Could possibly get out of that in court. Argue that the cops behavior seemed harassing or threatening. And if he wanted to read your license plate, he could/should have just pulled you over, then read it. No reason why he should look at your plate before deciding to pull you over.

deaditegirl 0

YDI. You ALWAYS deserve it for not following traffic laws.