By :/ - 01/10/2013 10:18

Today, I purposely set my phone off in class to make it seem like I had friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 258
You deserved it 17 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put your number up on craigist, you'll definitely get the calls you want.


Why? All that would get you is your phone taken least, that's how it works here. If you want to make friends, go out and make some. Or start off by chatting to people online; that's what I do.

sunny0892 0

Yeah.same case here :( i know how you feel

Something tells me you need intensive therapy, and you should join an extra curricular activity. Then when summer break comes you should go to a camp. Gosh, does anyone teach social skills anymore????

Aww that's sad you'll get friends eventually :)

That sounds kinda like a dumb think to do. I think there are better ways to make it seem like you have friends.

It's called social anxiety. For some people making friends or even saying hello to someone in the hallway is a lot harder than most people realise.