By lalalasmiles06 - 04/09/2010 03:47

Today, I put a tampon in. The string broke. I had to go to the hospital to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 964
You deserved it 7 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dynky 3

you couldn't just use your fingers? the string shouldn't really be necessary...

Oh dear. Maybe buy a better brand next time?


The OP is probably a young girl who hasn't had her period that many times. It's frequent for the tampon to come out involuntarily when you're pooping or even when you sneeze! It's a matter of knowing what you're doing... and she didn't.

What brand was it I need to know what to steer clear of....

ThickHead 0

yikes! I would of tried tweezers then went to the hospital if i failed xD

That sort of thing happened to me, only it was because i ****** up the applicator thing and the string was stuck up there too.

skyttlz 32

Pads are gross because you can feel it come out.

shaetigeress666 0

Ugh that sucks. Its happened to me and its very embarrassing.

I'm happy I'm not the only one who thinks 56 is an idiot. I've gone thru this same thing. No need for a doc, silly!

loveless3692 2

your really really stupid. Just pull it out. idiot

stoptrying 9

She stated that the string broke, meaning that it was inside of her, meaning that she couldn't pull it out. Did you never learn to read or are you just incredibly stupid?

Just use your fingers next time. It's not as difficult as it sounds, no matter how "tight" you may be.

divagurll 0

how do you "loose" the string on your tampon? ive never had that happen...