By lalalasmiles06 - 04/09/2010 03:47

Today, I put a tampon in. The string broke. I had to go to the hospital to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 968
You deserved it 7 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dynky 3

you couldn't just use your fingers? the string shouldn't really be necessary...

Oh dear. Maybe buy a better brand next time?


_toronto_chick_ 0
hobogirl 0

You didnt have the common sense to put your finger up there and pull it out?

Jordyn345 4

You didnt have to go to the hospital....thats happened to me before. I was taking it out and the string pulled off so i had to get it with my fingers. TMI i know im jus sayin

cunningchick 1

And that is why I will prob never use tampons, just pads

Actually she should have been able to push it out. ****** fail.

Oh my goodness one of my fears in life...

Steel_BZ 8

The bitches that managed to "push" it out must have been loose.

Hun, that tampon has no where to go and can only go up 8 inches. Just use your fingers.

sgtcxelite 11

I love how everyone's assuming it's so easy to reach up there and grab it. Ever consider the fact that she's a virgin with an unbroken hymen? Probably not loose enough to fit two fingers up there and grab it without feeling some pain.. I definitely couldn't do that.

Ive pulled out quite a few tampons before id lost my virginity its really not that hard