By Anonymous - 27/06/2014 23:50 - United States - Parker

Today, I put on some sexy lingerie, ready to have some fun with my husband. I found him in the living room, opening a bag of doritos in front of the TV. He saw me and understood. Then he looked back at the doritos, then back at me and said gravely, "No way, babe. No way." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 922
You deserved it 7 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jad0016 12

Haha well Doritos are pretty damn good


Never get between a man and his doritos

imslappy 8

wish my other half would do that I would jump on her....

He'll regret it when he is too fat from all the dorritos to have sex

Thatguy334 7

Are you sure you're his wife and not his beard?

Kittun 17

Darn it. Now I need Doritos.

That could be a winning Doritos commercial!