By Anonymous - 27/06/2014 23:50 - United States - Parker

Today, I put on some sexy lingerie, ready to have some fun with my husband. I found him in the living room, opening a bag of doritos in front of the TV. He saw me and understood. Then he looked back at the doritos, then back at me and said gravely, "No way, babe. No way." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 922
You deserved it 7 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jad0016 12

Haha well Doritos are pretty damn good


Wiringify 22

You started a battle that is impossible to win OP.

Axel5238 29

Your failure was in the assumption that boobs > anything. Boobs are nice gods knows I love them, but I don't always feel up to it. The idea men will run over friend for boobs sucks. Were you texting teasing him through the day?

Take it to pound town first, then have chips. That's how I roll. :-D

Amaris_lovell 11

Doritos......can you really blame him

then something is definitely greater than ur ****! ;) lil pussy! it's sex over anything and everything!

More most guys it's food first not boyfriend/wife...just turn him down next time that should have him see that his chips are not first priority

kingdomgirl94 29

Well actually... there are people known as asexuals... might wanna rethink that position...

Cover yourself with the Doritos and have him eat them off you and send in a video of it jappening and "BOOM!" its on the Doritos superbowl add. :)