By Jaggu - 29/04/2011 20:25 - United States

Today, I ran into an old friend from college on the bus to work. Having not seen each other in over 10 years, we spent a good 15 minutes talking about our lives after college. At the end, he asked me what my name was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 358
You deserved it 5 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImThePope 2

You said it's been 10 years... Come on OP, we aren't elephants ):


oh dear... he forgot your name, what a tragedy. Chill out, it's a name. A person can be great a remembering names, but they're always going to forget somebody whether they notice it or not. It's life - - deal with it. Plus... you said 10 years... a lot can happen in 10 years. Gee, maybe something more important probably happened in that 10 years that was more important than your name... lol

xstewie16x 0

that sounds like a personal problem..

too bad college didn't teach you correct grammar,** an old friend**

thebestof1984 0

no, 36 is right. Fml's tend to change. When it was first showed to us the sentence was "a old college friend..."

ImThePope 2

You said it's been 10 years... Come on OP, we aren't elephants ):

munchkin10014 0

Well it HAD been 10 years. That still sucks.

boners, stop growing the beard!! :( um OP, you should have said who you are, and also it's been 10 years get over it he isn't gunna remember everyone from college.