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By fuckmee - 01/08/2017 05:00

Today, I ran into my ex-boyfriend a few years after I slept with his boss and got him fired. He is now a multi-millionaire investor and won't take me back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 558
You deserved it 20 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get the **** over yourself. No one with an even mildly functional brain is going to have pity for someone like you. You cheated on your ex boyfriend. You got him fired. And now that he's doing well, you're acting like YOU were the one that was wronged? Gets some ******* therapy to get over yourself, get reacquainted with these things called "morals", and grow the hell up. People like you who portray themselves as always being the victim deserve to die alone.

boopingsnoot 24

I'm feeling pretty sure this was submitted by the ex-boyfriend himself…


Get the **** over yourself. No one with an even mildly functional brain is going to have pity for someone like you. You cheated on your ex boyfriend. You got him fired. And now that he's doing well, you're acting like YOU were the one that was wronged? Gets some ******* therapy to get over yourself, get reacquainted with these things called "morals", and grow the hell up. People like you who portray themselves as always being the victim deserve to die alone.

Koios 30

Didn't sound too far, sounded about right.

oxker 7

Hahaha "too far" thats the hilarious. That was mild compared to what i was thinking.

lunalee4132003 8

I think this comment hit the nail on the head.

if I could vote thumbs down on Cali's comment, I would.

The content of GhostFox's comment is right on the spot and in light of this FML the aggressive style is not more than a sign of justifiable anger. This time I do not agree with Cali.

I thought GhostFox was taking the FML a bit too seriously (this is a humor site, right?) but if the community likes heavy-handed lessons in morality then I guess I'll back down. My bad, dudes.

That was rather mild. Thank you for containing yourself.

To be fair she easily could have slept with his boss and got him fired after they broke up. Not saying that's the case but it's definitely a possibility.

You nailed it, this woman (or man if they're gay, not judging) has some serious issues if they think their ex-boyfriend will take them back after what they did. I know if I was in that ex's shoes, I would tell any woman who tried to get me take them back, to go **** off. No way would I allow a gold-digger back in my life. Too far my ass, Cali is an idiot for even insinuating such a thing.

LOL Why? Because OP is a WOMAN? #equality OP needs to suck it up, grow a spine, and get over it. He's not got the best things in life, Why should he take back used garbage?

boopingsnoot 24

I'm feeling pretty sure this was submitted by the ex-boyfriend himself…

what_the_fu- 6

Who would take you back after you acted so terribly, are you a child? Karma BITCH

I think it's less to do with bastardised Hindu woo and more to do with the ex-boyfriend having an IQ above room temperature. Honestly, if the guy needs supernatural intervention to know not to take back a cheater, then he'd struggle to make it as a janitor, much less a high-powered investor.

jgriff79 23

Why should he? You ruined his life, but he recovered very, very well. He should take you back just to humiliate you in a big way.

tolkien897 15

I can see how you're sad that you ****** him over. he did great things for himself, and one of those things was not keeping a disloyal woman around.

Damn right, play stupid games, get stupid prizes, this woman had Snoo-Snoo with her ex's boss, thought she could screw him over, but he turned it around and is now having the last laugh.

Lobby_Bee 17

Hard to get sympathy after what you did. Hope you learned a lesson here. Don't be a hoe.

people that play the "poor me" card when it is 100% their fault like this bug me to no end and it's sad that there are some people stupid enough to feel sorry for them.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Today, I ran into my crazy ex that slept with my boss to get me fired. Now that I'm rich, she decided, she wants me back. FML

Today, this girl said she'd **** me if I fired her boyfriend. I canned the poor bastard and the sex was great! Now, she wants the loser back and won't return my calls. FML.