By lillymean - 03/02/2012 01:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I reached a new low in my relationship: my boyfriend got so drunk I had to help him take a piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 480
You deserved it 6 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you shake it more than 3 times you are just playing with it

ninjuh_wingman 29

Well at least you can hope that it goes up from here.


SchellShocka 1

There's nothing wrong IF the girl wants to hold it for you while you pee. Now that's love.

mister_jedi55 0

U hate it now, but you know you love someone when digestive assistance is in the relationship.

You didn't "have" to help him, and you shouldn't have. I'd dump his inebriate ass if he gets that drunk. I'd definitely say you've reached a new low in your relationship.

The drunk peeing app finally came in handy.

I've had to do that to my boyfriend too.

That isn't a low point, it's just a bonding session <3

Army_angel28 0

You need to up your standards and find a new boyfriend