By sadf4x0r - 24/02/2010 17:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised my girlfriend is the perfect woman for most men. She only ever talks to me in the intermissions on Modern Warfare 2; shame it's not me playing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 662
You deserved it 6 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blaaaaakely 0

I'll just come out and say it: bieber sucks. no coughing needed


For once its not a man ignoring his girlfriend, but the other way around, and suddenly its on FML like its such a huge deal? I think not. Get over it. If you don't like video games, find someone who shares your interests.

EllyH 0

Belive me, that is not the perfect girlfriend for must guys :)

Haha, Elly I wish you would indulge us just a little bit more...

awsomepk 0

dude be happy, and now you have something in common not an fml

If you're not happy with her give me her number. ;)


you lucky bastard.. i'm so freekin' addicted to that game.


infact, if you want to get her attention, next time she asks you if her bum looks big, tell her she must have lightweight pro equipped. the mention the RPG in your pants.. :)

xx_kaelen_xx 0

ummm what???? I don't get it :/

I am guilty of doing the same thing as the OP's gf. :)

notwierdgifted 0

a girl who plays mw2 isn't bad just play with her and learn the gaming schedule