By pain - 26/02/2010 10:23 - Japan

Today, I found out that explosive diarrhea can happen, and at the most inopportune times, such as on the day of MY wedding. At the altar, while my husband said his vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 444
You deserved it 3 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should post the video, it'll make you famous

creepermagnet 0

Well, that's just a shitty situation ;)


Your love for him is like diarrhea. you just cant hold it in. lol.

This is what a real FML is supposed to be like. Sorry your special day got crapped on (even if it was by you). Bright side: you found out fast how he takes the "For Worse" part.

That is so horrible, we need to share your pain. PICS or it didn't happen!

Hermyoni 0

Epic Fail. OP I definitely say FYL. That has got to suck.

I'm probably odd, but I'd find that hilarious if I was the groom.

Thoureau 0

I know I'm odd, but if I were the groom, I'd beat my dick like I beat up that Cambodian that kept stealing my lawn ornaments.

hummingbug 2

wow. that really sucks!! i feel so sorry for you lol. fyl