By muddled - 02/05/2012 06:16 - United States - Joliet

Today, I realized I have more in common with a cantaloupe than I do with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 904
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DaveDave7 3

You're a round fruit with a rough hard outer skin? Would you really want him if he were like that too?

I think that's a sign you need to break up.....

cuntlyadams 0

I'd be more sad if my bunny died then my boyfriend hahaha

You mean actually like to eat the cantaloupe?

Since you're in America, it's probably a Musk Melon, which is sold as cantaloupes because real cantaloupes are expensive

because you're orange. snooki? is that you??

That does suck. I just broke up with my girlfriend since we had ABSOLUTELY nothing in common.