By muddled - 02/05/2012 06:16 - United States - Joliet

Today, I realized I have more in common with a cantaloupe than I do with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 904
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments


iwishforagini 4

what do you have in common with cantaloupes? lmao

Wellsies, depending on how you like your relationships, it's not an FML for everyone to not have much in common with their boyfriend or girlfriend. However, if *you* value it enough to think it's an FML, I'm afraid you should have looked into your differences more before you went into a more serious, boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. I can't say you didn't earn this, although I think "deserve" is a little over-kill. Be more conscious of these things next time! Hopefully you're on the young side of life - it's pretty common to get these things wrong early on in dating experiences. No biggie.

grog_fml 3

you're round and soft and don't have a brain?

Gardevoir_fml 12

i can think of one way to be like a cantaloupe or two...if you know what mean.

You should tell that to your boyfriend!!!!! That would probably make him mad.....or confused........

karen1991 15

You should date the Cantaloupe start off with "so, come here often" lol