By muddled - 02/05/2012 06:16 - United States - Joliet

Today, I realized I have more in common with a cantaloupe than I do with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 904
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments


KalCountry76 12

So you are orange, rough, and you also smell and taste disgusting? That's lovely.

I'm assuming your talking about your breast size when you refer to the cantaloupe

f_ourlives2013 7

Dump itttt. #dealbreaker -Liz Lemon

Your brain and a cantalope are the same size you mean?

You have a hard exterior but a sweet inside?

kittykat1501 31

You are both human, have hair, are mammals, hopefully can talk. Cantaloupe: I got nothing