By MeanMother - 28/06/2012 20:29 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I realized just how much of a bitch I am when I grounded my son for not telling me what he got me for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 963
You deserved it 91 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If you were my mom I would have hit you.

smoshianforever 0
debins33 1

I never thought I would read an FML like this! A mother actually admitting to a problem she has! Has hell froze over?!

caplox 6

Why is everyone repeating comments? Knock it off.

The_F3rris 11

Smoke some weed. It'll help you chill out.

bizarre_ftw 21

**** you! Your poor son, you're lucky he got you anything! Parenting like this really pisses me off. You're a dumb bitch that should realise that he has the right to decide what he wants to tell you when it comes to trivial things like this and non-life-threatening things that involve his life and not yours. What are you going to do when he dates a girl you don't like or when he doesn't go to the college you hand pick for him? Seriously! Stop ******* around with his life and think!! You're supposed to be his role model, don't be a ******* brainless asshole!

bpayne1983 0
alphaskater09 9

People need to stop acting like they are ops kid. It's ******* stupid