By balletteacher - 08/09/2012 20:32 - United States

Today, I realized my acne looks like star constellations. I've already found the Little Dipper on my left cheek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 237
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you will always be able to find north

jenniiienyc 5

If you're taking any astronomy classes there's a cheat sheet right on your face. Yay:)!


Well, atleast your acne has something unique about it...? :)

Looking at the stars has never been so simple!

gummy_bears1492 0

There comes a point in everyones life when their acne....Ahh **** it.

Don't feel bad, I've got the big dipper made out of moles on the side of my head

Try avoiding all dairy. For two weeks. Doesn't always work but when it does it's fantastic.

lilpanda4 5

Try a strong acne medication 3 times a day that may help (not trying to be mean just helpful) and look up home remedies I kno that helped me

You're really bad at this. Horton hears a who go and now this? I think you should play over traffic.

rachilio 26

U should be an astronomer! ;)