By fmal - 07/05/2009 03:47 - United States

Today, I realized my wedding ring was missing. Turns out, my son had taken it to give to a girl he likes in the second grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 290
You deserved it 8 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try keeping it in a safe place. Or wearing it.

DownUndah 0



how do you not notice it's missing?

Time to take his favorite toy and "give" it to someone you like (aka hide it in the garage.) It'll help teach him about the value of his and other people's things. Hope you get your ring back!

scorpioserpent 1

awww that's cute, but you should be able to get it back. Have your son give the girl something else.

thats not an fml, its cute, except that u lost ur wedding ring ahaha anyways, do a tradesy for something else shiny lol

RawrrKai 0

Cute but it would piss me off. This IS an FML. This person's WEDDING RING is in the hands of a 2nd grader. When I was in 2nd grade, I put everything where it DIDN'T belong. Who knows what this little girl could have done with it.

Really how long do you take off your ring that your kid can get ahold of it and go back to school and give it to her friend, your pathetic

#68, you mean "you're" and "his". Don't even bother commenting if you can't use correct grammar. And cute as this can't let this slide. FYL for your son taking your ring and YDI for letting him being able to get it in the first place. You need to teach him that he can't just take something he wants just because it's there.

The kid is a boss. Total P I M P. Just trade the girl some Cheez Its at lunch for your wedding ring, you'll get it back soon enough.