By stoggie96 - 22/04/2012 15:34 - United States - Wooster

Today, I realized that both my husband and son refer to me as "the bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 562
You deserved it 29 123

Same thing different taste


Even if OP is very rude, it's very disrespectful of them. Especially the father, why encourage the offspring of them two to speak so lowly.

One letter speaks more openly than a word. "F". Such a beautiful letter. Definitely worthwhile to be posted as a comment.

Do you two refer to your son as a "Son of a Bitch"?

squirrel1215 5

Or perhaps the son just learned from his father. I love how everyone just assumes that she MUST deserve it, because people are calling her a bitch, therefore she is one. Yes, she could be. Or maybe the husband is a jerk. Who knows? Either way it's disrespectful.

Well OP, that does suck to find out, but now that you know you can change how you act and I'm sure it will result in a happier life and a better relationship with your family. Some good tips are to try to have fun every once in a while, go out for ice cream and a movie, also try not to over react. My mom would flip out over everything. Once I got 94 on a test, and the teacher said I had the highest mark in the class. I noticed his adding was wrong, and I actually had 96 on the test. I didn't want to be "that guy", so I didn't say anything, happy with my mark. My mom flipped out when I told her, like losing that 2 percent was going to make me fail. Thing is it was grade 7, not university, not even high school! Don't be the mom who flips out over everything. I have anxiety problems now, and looking back on it I think it has a lot to do with how I was raised.

That makes your husband a dog and your son a 'son of a bitch'.

twifan1901 0

Your not doing it right! It's nothing to do here *flies away on jet pack*

Yep, **** the opinion of two different people. She's the one who's right. There is a possibility. But, not everyone talks shit about everyone behind their backs and not everyone is so childish. By the way, not all men are out to get you.