By Thorin - 25/01/2010 21:46 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
Put it away
By Anonymous - 27/10/2019 22:00
By tylerlove361 - 11/02/2009 05:30 - United States
Let it bleed
By breza - 01/07/2022 14:00 - Slovenia
By Chicketi - 11/02/2009 14:45 - Canada
By shaverguy - 15/06/2009 08:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/03/2015 04:26 - United States
By scaryhairy - 04/11/2009 01:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/05/2019 22:00
By Anonymous - 23/11/2014 00:10 - United Kingdom - London
By Bullocks - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester
Top comments
lmfao, I litteraly laughed out loud at the over achiever part :p
The clause does not work for wrists OP. Only shaving.
HIGH-FIVE for over-achieving! at least you weren't shaving with a NORMAL razor
was OP intentionally cutting?? if so, YDI. if not, FYL
I know, that was a nice touch.
ZOMG! Me too! xD
Misadvertisement. you should sue
oh thts a good idea haha
All three of you people are ******* idiots. Anyone can cut, and no, its not always people of the emo subculture. Its more likely to be people who have been, or currently are being abused in some way. Usually people who are being sexually abused will find this as a way of 'washing away all the bad in their body'. Before you go saying shit like emo people cutting themselves, do a bit of research and actually have an understanding of what EMO really is. ******* dick heads.
I hope the people talking about being emo are being sarcastic. I didn't realize shaving made somebody emo.
I totally agree sue the shit out of them
sue for what? there are dry-erase markers that don't dry, and home-made foods in restaurants that aren't actually homemade. anyone should know by now that advertising is not 100% accurate. if everyone sued every time a product didn't work exactly as specified, no company would DARE to market any product. OP deserves being cut if he/she assumed that he/she could use the razor however he/she wanted and avoid injury
yeah but without people sueing people for this kind of things then false advertisements are gonna get worse
what would you do for a klondike bar?
people these days will sue for anything just for a quick buck.
you have to read the fine print, it probably said "its IMPOSSIBLE to cut yourself with this razor!!*" (pretty pictures here big boobed girl on a guy with abs holding the razor) *just kidding.
sue? why? apparently the OP doesnt know how to use a razor. ive used cheap razors and expensive razors and never have i gotten cut, OP needs to learn how to shave
Typical ******* american...
she cut herself shaving with a razor that is advertised to not cut you. that is dangerous and you should sue. yes a lot of companies falsly advertise but when it is endangering others than it should be stopped. if someone made a microwave that was advertised to be able to cook a closed can of beans with out exploding and someone goes to cook a closed can of beans and it blows up they should sue.
why even advertise a razor as not able to cut you?!! it's a purposfully RAZOR sharp piece of medal that glides over your can a company guarantee that it won't cut? I'd like to see that ad.
Dry erase markers do not mean they dry. It means you can erase them without water or spray. you can use something dry, hense the name dry erase.
Dear 25, Dry erase markers do not mean they dry. It means you can erase them without water or spray. you can use something dry, hense the name dry erase. so next time you would like to write a long message, makesure you have your facts straight. - Me.
It doesn't matter if OP is careful or not. If they said it shouldn't cut, then no matter what it shouldn't. I agree it's not worth it to sue, but that's probably because I'm lazy. It's OP's choice to sue.
YDI for using razors.
true men shave with machetes. chuck norris uses a chainsaw.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Chuck Norris's beard shaves it self in fear of being attacked by Chuck Norris himself.
YDI for being emo.
You're a dick if you assume all "emo" people cut, and if you make fun of anyone that does. You're stupid and possibly an attention seeker if you cut and don't get help. I used to. It was a stupid mistake, and I moved on to better ways of dealing with my depression and all that. If I can do it, anyone can.

Misadvertisement. you should sue
you must feel proud. I know I would