By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, I realized that the guy I've been sending anonymous, dirty emails to knows who I am. My signature, which includes my full name, was automatically added to the end of every email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 603
You deserved it 82 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourskittle95 5

sorry op but you totally deserved it.

vivsss 11

why were you sending dirty emails anyway?


bigmacswag101 2

Your ******* disgusting and childish. If you didn't have enough balls to not be anonymous and you still CHOOSE to send something to someone that you know you'll regret don't botch because they found out who you are. That's like when a girl sends a nude photo to a boy in middle school and is upset he sends it to the whole school, IF YOU WOULDN'T SHOW IT TO YOUR GRANPARENTS THEN DON'T SHOW IT TO ANYONE.

purple_kitty21 4

you could have been a little smarter and thought and payed attention a bit closer

InfiniteSecret 20

Wow you deserved this. How can you send such intimate things to someone and be okay with it but when you find out they know who you are you aren't happy or okay with it. You need serious help

seriously?? how could you not know that? you very much deserve it.