By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, I realized that the guy I've been sending anonymous, dirty emails to knows who I am. My signature, which includes my full name, was automatically added to the end of every email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 603
You deserved it 82 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourskittle95 5

sorry op but you totally deserved it.

vivsss 11

why were you sending dirty emails anyway?


AtmosFEAR4701 0
JessicaSavvyR 0

Why would you do that? You could get raped.. Or something.

corruptblackkat 17

YDI but i also dont know any guys who wouldnt mind a girl sending them dirty emails lol

thats why i never use signatures, it makes for some pretty awkward situations! :P

sgtwho 4

Could work out in your favor, unless you sent some really nasty shit

grovervac3000 15

You were sending 'anonymous' email from your own regular account. That too dirty ones. How dumb are you!?

annwriter 0

Wow. Seriously!? It's your own dang fault!