By IbetIgotAIDS - 12/09/2011 16:15 - United States

Today, I realized that the place that my brothers and I would find soggy balloons and blow them up when we were younger is where the prostitutes take their clients. We were blowing up used condoms for a good part of our childhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 801
You deserved it 15 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that really sucks" That really "Dampened" your spirits That "blows" Well..we all seen it "Coming" ...I'm sorry


itsimpossible 0
SpamEatingChikn 0

On the bright side, now you have a legitimate alibi for your parents of why you all came down with hepatitis

So gross! That really does suck but it was all innocent. You were children! How could you have know?

you were blowing up used 'balloons' off the street anyway? gross

crider1996 0

Hahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahah!! That is literally the funniest thing I have heard in months!!

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

aznkill 0

omg this happened to me too when I used to live in Vietnam, glad to know I wasn't the only one :D

for sure! this is one of the ones that will stick with you for ages. at dinner last night i remembered this halfway through eating and just about hurled. so ******* hilarious. i seriously wonder about the number of diseases that OP and his brothers must have been exposed to. but hey, at least the hookers were using condoms, so maybe they were OK. still, so ******* nasty...

Mokiikom_fml 8

Your, sir, probably win the ultimate FML EVER. At the very least, you must have won the grossest one ever! D: