By JuicyJohn - 09/09/2009 01:33 - United States

Today, I realized that the shorts I have been wearing all day say "Juicy" on the ass. My name is John. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 378
You deserved it 53 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments


VampiressMiharu 0

Hello, John. You really have an awkward way of introducing yourself to the internet.

that'll teach you to wear your girlfriend's clothes. douchebag.

333chiyoko333 0

if that doesnt make you look gay I dont know what does. sorry.

This is dumb. Shorts that says Juicy on them are like 5 inches long and pink, so you definitely would have noticed, unless thats what you usually wear, but then I don't think you would care that your shorts say juicy

crzygrl90218 0
xSceneSceneBabyx 0

hey, if you ever decide to become a male stripper, at least you know your nickname!

juicy= diarrhea after doing a backflip over a braindead camel in the parking lot of an out of business carls jr. in indonesia!