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By swervelol - 15/08/2018 05:46

Today, I realized what I thought was bad lighting and poor TV brightness was actually night blindness. I found out while driving to work at my new night shift job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 163
You deserved it 246

swervelol tells us more.

Wow this got published hi! I'm the OP and I'm here to clear up a few things! Yes I haven't driven at night due to working full time at my previous job at a store that closed at 7 pm every night (it stays light until very late in Montana) I also haven't been out late due to long shifts at work and recently moving to a new city which has heightened the severity of my night blindness because I am unfamiliar with the roads. I have corrective lenses for an astigmatism since I was 9 and was declared legally blind over a year ago by my optometrist who says my vision will deteriorate naturally as I age. I have noticed for a few months now that dark pictures, video games, and scenes in movies have been extremely hard to make out and all my electronics have been on full brightness. I am scheduling another eye appointment to see if any medication or a new prescription will help, I am only 19 years old and was looking forward to following my passion to become a graphic artist and it would be really devastating to lose my sight anymore so and so early on in my life. Sorry for the long post it is hard to explain everything with the character limit!

Top comments

We should test this to make sure, how many fingers am I holding up?


Theres glasses that help a lot with it, but as you found out hopefully from an eye doctor its night blindness! Possible cataracts? Macular Degeneration? I hope its resolved for you OP!

I'm only in my early 40's and started having night vision problems turns out I had cataracts had them removed now I don't need glasses to see.

We should test this to make sure, how many fingers am I holding up?

Wow this got published hi! I'm the OP and I'm here to clear up a few things! Yes I haven't driven at night due to working full time at my previous job at a store that closed at 7 pm every night (it stays light until very late in Montana) I also haven't been out late due to long shifts at work and recently moving to a new city which has heightened the severity of my night blindness because I am unfamiliar with the roads. I have corrective lenses for an astigmatism since I was 9 and was declared legally blind over a year ago by my optometrist who says my vision will deteriorate naturally as I age. I have noticed for a few months now that dark pictures, video games, and scenes in movies have been extremely hard to make out and all my electronics have been on full brightness. I am scheduling another eye appointment to see if any medication or a new prescription will help, I am only 19 years old and was looking forward to following my passion to become a graphic artist and it would be really devastating to lose my sight anymore so and so early on in my life. Sorry for the long post it is hard to explain everything with the character limit!

I hope you still get to do what you want for a career.

No way! I live in bozeman! Can’t be too many Montanans on here.

boopingsnoot 24

Sculpting could be a good medium to take up as your eyesight declined, since it is very touch-based. Or knitting! I hope you and your doctor find something that helps with your vision!

How did you get a drivers license if you are legally blind? Oh wait...... It is illegal for you to drive. You will be 100% responsible for any accident you might get into. Get a bus pass and get rid of your car before you kill someone.

I feel for you OP find a NEW EYE doc and see if there is anything that can be done, also I would have him check you out for glaucoma. in early stages it can mimic night blindness.

I'm from Deer Lodge now living in Anaconda.

Trust me if it was any more serious that it would be illegal to drive I would definitely not be working at Costco. I promise you on my government issued drivers license it clearly says I have prescription lenses. Labeling me a murderer is really a bit extreme.

Also hop on over to the Bozeman Costco my montanan FMLer's

I'm not going to argue the legalities of driving and being legally blind - talk to your local DMV office (call anonymously) and get the facts. If you get into a fatal accident you WILL be treated like a murderer in court.

Peggy I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about. There are many stages of “blindness” many of which can be mostly corrected with some good lenses. If you are “blind” you are required to have prescription lenses to drive and the DMV will ask. If your prescription is too strong I believe they will not issue you a license.

What being declared legally blind means is that without corrective lenses or surgery you are considered blind. So long as you wear your corrective lenses you can drive. Without glasses my husband can't see more than a couple feet clearly and is considered legally blind without his glasses. With his glasses on he can see better than I do without glasses (I am getting to a point with my vision where I will need to wear glasses to see at a distance, but up close my vision is still fairly good).