By Anonymous - 14/05/2014 19:23 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, I received a $20 gift card to Tim Horton's as a prize, and decided to use it. At the register, I was told that I'd essentially won an empty gift card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 076
You deserved it 4 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, free nothing is better than expensive nothing

Was the prize from an official event or just from something like a friends party? Depends on where you got it, you should request a new one. You shouldn't be cheated out of something you won.


It's a really good thing you didn't pay for the card.

This has happened to me except it was at target. The person forgot to fill it.

Any asshat who cheats me out of my free doughnuts is a dead asshat.

How is it "essentially" empty? Was it used?

Way better than Starbucks, much cheaper, and usually the lines are quicker too.

Huh. Well, I learned something today: Tim Horton's is not the Canadian version of Bob Evans' Restaurant.

Timmies is terrible anyway. The donuts are super dry and the marketing team always pushes the "Canadian pride" theme to the extent. Try Krispy Kreme.

The best commercial donuts I ever had were from Krispy Kreme in GA. They're awesome for the first twenty minutes or so out of the ovens. Then they quickly turn pretty nasty.

AJL99 4

How does that happen, exactly...?