By Anonymous - 03/06/2019 06:33

Today, I began writing thank-you cards for the gifts I got for my 21st birthday. To one set of grandparents, I wrote, "Thank you for the dancing chicken toy," and to the others I wrote, "Thank you for the $10 check." Those were the only gifts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 785
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can use the $10 to buy your first legal drink, then come home and choke the chicken. That’s a perfect night for some!

Welcome to adulthood where you rarely get gifts but are expected to earn everything by yourself. And very soon you might be the gift bringer for all your little nephews and nieces (if you have any).


You’re 21 being upset about gifts.

Darebearius 7

For anyone something like this can be disheartening. It's not necessarily the gifts themselves but the loneliness of the lack thereof and the underwhelming investment into the two gifts that OP received. I see your point that a gift is better than nothing; However, your delivery of it by insulting OP completely overshadows your argument.

Welcome to adulthood where you rarely get gifts but are expected to earn everything by yourself. And very soon you might be the gift bringer for all your little nephews and nieces (if you have any).

You can use the $10 to buy your first legal drink, then come home and choke the chicken. That’s a perfect night for some!

WeirdUS 29

Welcome to being an adult. You stop expecting gifts when you become an adult. Part of growing up. Enjoy the chicken toy and use the $10 to get yourself a 6 pack.

Trinity Fenwick 7

at least they remembered. I didn't even get a single 'happy birthday' from ANYONE on my 40 th. (that includes family. .that I was with). so your b day was not so bad.

You got twice as much as I got on my 21st.

Are you sure you didn’t just get too drunk and black out the rest?

I'd be happy to just get a happy birthday.