By Anonymous - 10/01/2012 17:43 - India

Today, I received a letter from the state saying my 14-year-old daughter is now legally recognized as a male. I have no idea what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 387
You deserved it 5 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dad, there's something i have to tell you...

I think it's time for a talk with your " daughter".


How is it from the state when it stays india

It is not a sex change...they did not change their DNA. Until they can do that, they are still whatever sex they were prior.

It's not a sex change. Someone in that department just ****** up somewhere. I saw another FML on the same situation and that's what the problem was.

there's no way that could have happend if he lives with you and you have custody. so I'm assuming he doesn't and that you have little to no contact with him.